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Kid's 4 Truth Bible Club

What truths do kids need to know from God’s Word?


How do they apply those truths to their lives?


Kids4Truth takes kids beyond salvation by discipling them and developing them in their Christian walk.

Answers in Genesis Videos

Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ effectively. We focus on providing answers to questions about the Bible—particularly the book of Genesis—regarding key issues such as creation, evolution, science, and the age of the earth.

E3 Pastors Conference Media

The Mid-America Conference on Preaching (MACP) began in 1991 because we saw a great need for training in faithful, expository preaching. Over the years the conference has become known for its precise handling of tough issues, scholarly workshops, vibrant worship, and refreshing fellowship.

Now as the E3 Pastors Conference, we hope it will continue to serve pastors nationwide, by equipping them with scholarly information on timely topics, encouraging them through expository preaching, and engaging them in Christian fellowship with likeminded shepherds.

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